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Checking in with Betty the Puppy

By Michelle Barlak

Betty, the Seeing Eye puppy named for long-time supporter Betty White, has been making friends! She has been spending time getting to know her new office mates and roomates.

She's shown in the photo collage below wearing a birthday hat during one of our employee's birthday celebrations.

At her puppy raiser's home, she's been getting to know the cat, Breyer, a tiger-striped tabby who is preparing her for her eventual meeting with Seeing Eye distraction cats Dot and Mo.

Xylar, the black Lab/golden cross has been showing Betty how much fun it is to lay by the fire and chew on toys together. Xylar is a Seeing Eye career change dog who has served as a wise mentor to several Seeing Eye puppies in her time.

And last but not least, Betty has discovered the magic and wonder of Chewy deliveries, those large cardboard boxes with the blue logo that appear on your doorstep with food, treats and toys!

Collage of 4 photos of a yellow Lab puppy with a black Lab, striped cat, getting into a chewy box, and wearing a birthday hat.