Rights & Legal Information

Information About the Rights of Guide Dog Handlers Wherever They Travel and Live

Read our 2024 Access Survey Report about Public Access Barriers for Guide Dog Teams

Download The Seeing Eye Advocacy App

"Before Buddy lay down her pioneering harness, I would like to be able to say that she had made it possible for all guide dogs following her to travel by land and sea and air to lead their blind charges wherever in this wide, wide country they cared or needed to go."

-- Morris Frank

Through the efforts of Seeing Eye co-founder Morris Frank and other early graduates of our program, The Seeing Eye was instrumental in gaining access to public places, ground transportation, and air travel for people who work with guide dogs.

Today, federal and state laws guarantee the rights of people who are blind to be accompanied by their guide dogs in all aspects of life, but it’s not always as simple as it seems. If you are a guide dog handler with questions about your rights and responsibilities, or if you are someone who may not be sure what to do when you encounter a guide dog team, these pages are for you.