Seeing Eye® Photos for Publication

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Photo Title: Morris and Buddy Crossing
Seeing Eye co-founder Morris Frank with Buddy, the first Seeing Eye dog. Frank and his German shepherd are shown crossing a busy street in New York city while onlookers marvel.

Photo Title: Seeing Eye founders
Seeing Eye founders Morris Frank and Dorothy Harrison Eustis are pictured with Buddy, the first Seeing Eye dog.

Pat McKenna and Raven

Photo Title: Pat McKenna

Deb Hughes

Photo Title: Deb Hughes

The special 95th-anniversary seal is round with the words The Seeing Eye 95th Anniversary and a silhouette of a shepherd in a leather harness.

Photo Title: 95thsealsm

Walt Sutton holding the Ethel Bender Award on The Seeing Eye campus.

Photo Title: Walt Sutton GDUI

Photo Title: Cynthia Bryant

A shepherd puppy sits proudly in the grass with some scattered fall leaves. He’s wearing his green Seeing Eye puppy vest.

Photo Title: Vested Shepherd
A 6-month-old German shepherd puppy proudly displays his Seeing Eye vest. This is worn by puppies who are at least 6 months of age and have passed a basic obedience and temperament test.

Two adults in harness, a German shepherd and a yellow Lab, sit behind an 8-week-old golden and a black Lab puppy. The dogs are sitting in bright green grass with a large green bush behind them.

Photo Title: Four Dogs
The Seeing Eye breeds, raises and trains German shepherds, Labrador retrievers, golden retrievers and a cross of the Lab and golden retriever.

A golden retriever and black Lab are standing in a kiddie pool. The golden is holding a tennis ball and the Lab is shaking water onto him.

Photo Title: Pool
Two moms, a golden retriever and black Labrador retriever, enjoy some playtime during their stay at The Seeing Eye breeding station.

A yellow Lab sits proudly, wearing his Seeing Eye harness and leash. He appears to be smiling with his mouth open. He’s sitting on a brick walk with a freshly planted flowerbed in the background.

Photo Title: Lab Harness
A newly trained yellow Labrador retriever smiles proudly while wearing his Seeing Eye® harness and leash.

Two 8-week-old Seeing Eye pups sit side-by-side in green grass. A golden puppy sits inside a Seeing Eye harness and a black Lab is sitting beside him.

Photo Title: Golden and Lab
Two 8-week-old Seeing Eye® puppies pose with a leather Seeing Eye harness that they will one day grow to fit and use to lead someone who is blind or visually impaired.

A yellow Labrador retriever mom rests with an eye on her newborn yellow and black Lab pups.

Photo Title: Moms and Pups
A yellow Labrador retriever rests and watches over her newborn puppies at The Seeing Eye.